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Comté 100g
Comté 100g

Comté 100g

通常価格 ¥935 販売中


コンテチーズまたは 「コンテ」 (Comté) は、フランス東部のジュラ山脈一帯・スイスとの国境付近で作られているフランスを代表する熟成ハードチーズ。生産量は、フランス産AOPチーズの中で最も多い年間約60,000トン。




Comté (or Gruyère de Comté) is a French cheese made from unpasteurized cow's milk in the Franche-Comté traditional province of eastern France bordering Switzerland. Comté has the highest production of all French AOC cheeses, at around 66,500 tonnes annually.It is classified as a Swiss-type or Alpine cheese.

The cheese is made in discs, each between 40 cm and 70 cm in diameter, and around 10 cm in height. Each disc weighs up to 50 kg. The rind is usually a dusty-brown colour, and the internal paste, pâte , is a pale creamy yellow. The texture is relatively hard and flexible, and the taste is mild and slightly sweet.