
「Sourdough bread(サワードウブレッド)」とは、小麦粉と水、そして天然酵母の「サワードウ」を主原料として作られるパンの一種です。サワードウの酸味と独特の風味が特徴で、一般的なイーストパンよりも長時間かけてゆっくりと発酵させるため、香り高く、やわらかくもちもちとした食感があります。また、消化吸収がよく、血糖値の急激な上昇を抑える効果があるとされています。サワードウブレッドは、世界中で親しまれており、健康志向の高い人々からも愛されています。

「Sourdough starter(サワードウスターター)」とは、小麦粉と水を混ぜて自然発酵させたもので、パンを作る際に使用される天然酵母の元となるものです。この発酵液には、小麦粉や環境中に存在する野生酵母や乳酸菌が含まれており、これらが小麦粉のでんぷんや糖質を分解し、発酵させることで、パン生地を膨らませます。



What is Sourdough?

Sourdough bread is a type of bread made from a naturally fermented mixture of flour and water, known as a sourdough starter. The starter contains wild yeasts and lactic acid bacteria that naturally occur in the flour and the environment, and they produce carbon dioxide gas as they feed on the flour's starches and sugars during fermentation. This process gives the bread its characteristic sour taste and chewy texture.

Unlike commercial yeast that is added to bread dough to make it rise quickly, sourdough bread is made by a slower fermentation process that can take several hours or even days. This long fermentation process allows for a more complex flavor to develop and also breaks down some of the gluten in the flour, making it easier to digest for some people who may be sensitive to gluten.

Sourdough bread has become popular in recent years as more people are interested in traditional, artisanal bread-making methods and the health benefits of fermented foods. It is also often preferred for its unique flavor and texture.
